Saturday 29 July 2017

What To Eat In The Zombie Apocalypse

Hey zombie killers! In this blog post I'll be talking about what to eat in the zombie apocalypse. Here's the ZKA YouTube video about what to eat in the zombie apocalypse.

  • Bottled water. You can last for weeks without food, but only a few days without water, so water is definitely an important necessity.
  • Canned food. There's a reason why in every zombie movie, video game and book, people are always eating canned food. It's because it lasts a long time, doesn't need refrigeration and is easy to eat.
  • Dried fruit and nuts. Dried fruits and nuts are on the list because they also last a long time and are healthy and nutritious.
  • Nut bars. High in energy, health and delicious.
  • Peanut butter. The main reason peanut butter is on the list is because it makes stale food taste better and it's high in energy.
  • Energy drinks. Energy drinks are worth mentioning because they contain high amounts of energy, which would be useful if you are on the run from zombies, but don't drink too much as they are very high in sugar.

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